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Pamphlet: 'The Sweet Struggle in Cape Town'

Theme: We Are Convinced Now

Call Number: D18.02.01
Identifier: SAHA_TUT_p172
Title: Pamphlet: 'The Sweet Struggle in Cape Town'
Date: 1980
Subject: Boycott;
Description: This pamphlet, titled "'The Sweet Struggle in Cape Town" was produced by the Wilson-Rowntree Support Committee and printed on the UCT SRC. The pamphlet is reproduced on page 172 of Julie Frederikse's book 'The Unbreakable Thread: non-racialism in South Africa' originally published by Ravan Press in 1990. Included in SAHA's online edition of the book and in the virtual exhibition 'Tracing the unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa'
Contributor: Printed on the UCT SRC press
Creator: Produced by the Wilson-Rowntree Support Committee
Type: Pamphlet
Format: Jpeg
Source: The Unbreakable Thread publication
Coverage: Cape Town, South Africa
Rights: Wilson-Rowntree Support Committee
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