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Poster advertising Sol Plaatje's 1921 visit to New York

Theme: Battle of the Bantu

Call Number: D03.01.02
Identifier: LA366-7-5
Title: Poster advertising Sol Plaatje's 1921 visit to New York
Date: 1921
Subject: Non-racialism;
Sol Plaatje
Description: This poster advertised Sol Plaatje's visit to New York in 1921. The poster was provided by the International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) for reproduction on page 19 of Julie Frederikse's book 'The Unbreakable Thread: non-racialism in South Africa' originally published by Ravan Press in 1990. The caption reads: "Educated on a German mission station in the Cape Colony, Plaatje was the foremost campaigner against racial segregation of his generation, as author, journalist, linguist and politician". Included in SAHA's online edition of the book and in the virtual exhibition 'Tracing the unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa', courtesy of the UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Creator: Unknown
Type: Poster
Format: Jpeg
Source: UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
Coverage: New York, USA
Rights: Courtesy of UWC-Robben Island Museum Mayibuye Archives
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