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Returning to Braklaagte by bus

Theme: Braklaagte

Call Number: H01.16
Identifier: AL3274_H01.16
Title: Returning to Braklaagte by bus
Date: 13 July 1991
Subject: Braklaagte;
Gille de Vlieg;
Description: This black and white photograph of people returning to Braklaagte by bus was taken by Gille de Vlieg on 13 July 1989. This photograph was digitised by Gille de Vlieg. Included in SAHA Land Act Project report, 2014.
Creator: Gille de Vlieg
Type: Photograph
Format: Access image - jpg
Preservation image - tiff
Source: SAHA collection AL3274
Coverage: Braklaagte, North West Province, South Africa
Rights: Gille de Vlieg
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