Published 2009 - 2005


G. Miescher, L. Rizzo and J. Silvester, “Posters in action: Visuality in the making of an African nation” (Basler Afrika Bibliographien: Switzerland, 2009). 

M.  Gevisser, “A legacy of liberation: Thabo Mbeki and the future of the South African dream” (Palgrave Macmillan: USA, 2009).

J. Peffer, “Art and the end of apartheid” (University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2009).

B. Hamber, “Transforming societies after political violence: Truth, reconciliation and mental health” (Springer: 2009).

E. Zuern, “ The politics of necessity: community organizing and democracy in South Africa" (University of Wisconsin Press: Wisconsin, 2009). 

A. De Baets, “Responsible history” (Berghahn books,2009).

W.T Pollock, “The ghost of Samuel Cetswayo: Based on a true story” (Author House: UK, 2009).

S. Onslow, “Cold war in Southern Africa: white power, black liberation” (Routledge: USA, 2009). 

R.W Johnson, “South Africa’s brave new world: The beloved country since the end of apartheid” (Penguin Group, 2009).

G. D Koblentz “Living weapons: Biological warfare and international security” (Cornell University Press: USA, 2009). 

A. Verdoolaege, “Reconciliation Discourse: The case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (John Benjamins Publishing Company: Netherlands, 2008).

P. Bonner and N. Nieftagodien, “Alexandra: A history” (Witwatersrand University Press: Johannesburg, 2008). 

F. Du Toit and C. Villa-Vincencio, “Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: 10 years on” (New Africa Books Ltd: South Africa, 2007).

V. Harris, “Archives and Justice: A South African perspective” (Society of American archivists, 2007). 

A. Florini, “The right to know: Transparency for an open world” (Columbia University Press: USA, 2007).

O. Bosch and P. Van Ham, “Global non-proliferation and counter-terrorism: The impact of UNSVR 1540” (Brookings institution Press: Baltimore, 2007). 

G. Weldon and A. Proctor, “Geshiedenis: Graad 12 leerdersboek” (New Africa Books: South Africa, 2007).

R. Botiveau, “The ANC Youth League, or the invention of a South African youth political organisation” (IFAS, 2007). 

P. Ahluwalia, L. Bethleham, R. Ginio “Violence and Non-violence in Africa” (Routledge: USA, 2007). 

M. Wheelis, L. Rozsa and M Dando, “Deadly cultures: Biological warfare since 1945” (Hardvard University Press: USA, 2006).

J. Daniel, R. Southall and J. Lutchman, “State of the nation: South Africa 2004-2005” (HSRC Press: South Africa, 2005).

P. Jones and K. Stokke, “Democratising development: The politics of socio-economic rights in South Africa” (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Netherlands, 2005).

D. Fig, “Uranium road: Questioning South Africa’s nuclear direction” (Jacana Media: South Africa, 2005).

H.E Purkitt and S.F Burges, “South Africa’s weapons of mass destruction” (Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 2005).


Journal articles 

C. Saunders, “Documenting liberation struggles in Southern Africa”, from Nordic Africa documentation project workshop 26-27 November 2009, Pretoria, South Africa. 

M. Dimba, “The power of information: implementing the right to information laws” in SA Crime Quarterly, issue. 30 (2009), 21-26.

V. Margolin, “Off the wall: Political posters of the Lebanese civil war” in Journal of design history (2009).

M. Pickover, “Contestations, ownership, access and ideology: policy development challenges for the digitisation of African heritage and liberation archives”, Paper presented at the first international conference on African digital libraries and archives, 1-3 July 2009.

G. Cawthra and B. Moeller, “Nuclear Africa: Weapons, power and proliferation” in African Security Review, Vol.17 (2008), 133-153.

D. Vigneswaran, “Enduring territoriality: South African immigration control” in Political Geography, Vol.27 (2008), 783-801. 

C. Kros. “Prompting reflections: An account of the “Sunday Times” heritage project from the perspective of an insider historian” in Kronos, Vol.34 (Nov 2008), 159-180.

C. Rassool, “Writing, authorship and I.B. Tabata’s biography: From collective leadership to presidentialism” in Kronos, Issue.34 (Nov 2008), 181-214. 

C.M Cole, “Performance, transitional justice, and the law: South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission” In Theatre Journal, Vol. 59 (2007), 167-187.

K. Emmanuel, “Between principle and pragmatism in transitional justice: South Africa’s TRC and peace building” in Institute for security studies, (Nov 2007).

R.C Jimerson, “Archives for all: Professional responsibility and social justice” in The American Archivist, Vol. 70 (2007), 252-281.

S. Field, “Beyond healing: Trauma, Oral history and regeneration” in Oral History, Vol. 41(2006), 31-42. 

J. M Ackerman and I. E Sandoval-Ballestros, “The global explosion of freedom of information laws” in Administrative law Review, Vol. 58 (2006), 85-130. 

A. Manion and R. Morgan, “The gay and lesbian archives: Documenting same-sexuality in an African context” in empowering women for gender equity, Vol. 2-3 (2006), 29-35. 

S. Hatang, “Freedom of information: problems, prospects and lessons, the South African experience” in Esarbica Journal, Vol. 24, (2005), 69-74.

M. Burnham, “Unbowed and unbanned” in Safundi, Vol. 6 (2005), 1-29

M. Richter, “Affirmation to realisation of the right of access to information: Some issues on the implementation of PAIA” in Law, Democracy and Development, Vol. 2 (2005), 219-234.

A.K Segobye, “Weaving fragments of the past for a united Africa: Reflections on the place of African archaeology in the development of the continent in the 21st century” in The South African Archaeological Bulletin, Vol. 6 (Dec 2005), 79-83.

C. Darch and P. Underwood, “Freedom of Information legislation, state compliance and discourse of knowledge: The South African experience” in The international information and library review, Vol. 37 (2005), 77-86.