Guidelines for Exhibition Loans

Loans of individual items from SAHA collections for formal exhibitions will generally be made to museums, galleries and heritage venues on condition that:

  • The borrowing institution has a professional staff member supervising the exhibition;

The borrowing institution is expected to cover all loan costs, which may include but are not limited to, the valuation of materials borrowed, insurance, packing and shipping, matting and framing, and necessary conservation. In some instances, the borrowing institution will be required to cover the costs of producing duplicates of loan items for SAHA.

Institutions interested in borrowing materials from SAHA should request the loan of archival items, from SAHA by emailing at least 6-12 months before the exhibition.

The email request should include the following:

  • Title, dates and venue of exhibition;
  • A brief description of the purpose and scope of the exhibition;
  • Names and contact details of staff responsible for all aspects of the exhibition, including insurance and transport of items to be borrowed;
  • Details of any associated products or publications to be produced

Community-based and educational organizations that are unable to meet the conditions for loans outlined above may be interested in borrowing an exhibition kit from SAHA instead.


Handling of exhibitions by anyone other than competent specialists can result in an unacceptable level of deterioration or damage. Loans for educational purposes which involve students handling the objects will rarely be made; and then only under separate and explicit limiting agreements.

SAHA may refuse to loan materials if circumstances for the proposed exhibition are judged by the SAHA Board and staff as damaging to the standing and reputation of the collection. SAHA will not lend to any exhibition which includes objects that are known to have been stolen, illegally exported or illegally excavated; which contravene national or international laws covering art and cultural objects; or where the overall aim of the exhibition contradicts stated SAHA principles and aims.