29 October 2011
Open Government Partnership Calls for Public Input on Draft Disclosure Policy
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking input on a draft policy on the disclosure of information.
The OGP is a global effort that aims to make governments better. It is overseen by a steering committee consisting of government representatives, including a member of the South African government, and civil society organisations.
In order to empower citizens around the world, the OGP advocates for more transparent, effective, and accountable governments. The OGP has recognised that proactively sharing information is important to achieve these ends. Public comments on the policy will be accepted until 25 November 2011. All comments received by the OGP will be consolidated and published on its website. Once the period for receipt of commentary is closed, the OGP will consider all suggestions and propose a revised policy for adoption at a meeting of the Steering Committee scheduled to take place in Brazil on 6 December 2011. The policy will be published following adoption by the Steering Committee.
A copy of the draft policy is available here.
To make submissions on the draft policy, please send your comments to the OGP Support Unit at info@opengovpartnership.org, with the subject heading "disclosure policy comments".