29 June 2012

SAHA releases new access to information guide

ATI community booklet front cover

SAHA’s Freedom of Information Programme is pleased to announce the release of a new publication titled “Accessing Information for Your Community: A guide to using the Promotion of Access to Information Act to empower South African communities to promote and protect human rights.

The guide is designed to assist communities to recognise the important role that access to information can play in the achievement of their advocacy goals and the protection of their rights. It examines the legal right to information in South Africa, using key issues that face many South African communities – housing, water, education and employment – to illustrate the ways in which access to information can help realise other socio-economic rights.

The publication was informed by workshops undertaken by SAHA, together with the Right2Know Campaign, with communities from Gauteng and the North West Province aimed at raising awareness of the right to information and identifying community struggles that could be strengthened by gaining access to information.


Learn more about the Accessing Information for Your Comunity guide and download a copy of the guide.