SAHA would like to invite museum and tour guide staff from Gauteng-based heritage sites to participate in a workshop on how to borrow and work with SAHA’s portable exhibition kits (and SAHA’s related Exhibition in the Classroom booklets) in order to commemorate key dates in in the South African calendar with learners visiting their sites.
SAHA developed three portable exhibition kits for loan in 2011 - 2012, funded by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund and the Atlantic Philanthropies, in which artefacts from SAHA’s archives provide a lens into the various ways in which women, workers and young people struggled against apartheid, and for democracy in South Africa.
Each kit comprises 16 panels (1m wide x 2m high) which can be configured in various ways, and displayed indoors or in the open air. Because no irreplaceable items are used in these exhibition kit and historical narrative is provided in exhibition-ready form, expenses typically associated with organizing an exhibition, such as insurance and curatorial costs, are substantially reduced.
These exhibition kits are suitable for use at short-term events (for example, conferences and civil society workshops), or for longer exhibitions at community halls and memorials sites. Each kit can fit into a medium sized car so can be transported easily. Easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up and dismantle the exhibition panels are included with the kit, as are templates of posters / flyers to promote the exhibition.
The EITC booklets are based on the SAHA exhibition kits, and are intended to help educators and tour guides to use the kits as a starting point to explore with learners:
Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle
· The struggles faced by women living during apartheid
· The role of women in the struggle for freedom
· The challenges faced by women and girls in South Africa today
The Future is Ours: Commemorating Youth in the Struggle
Hlanganani Basebenzi: Commemorating South Africa’s Labour Movement
• The struggles to secure better working and living conditions for black workers during apartheid;
• The role of the trade union movement in forwarding the struggle against apartheid;
• The struggles still faced by workers today in a democratic South Africa.
The Exhibition in the Classroom booklets can be used along with these kits to host educational events in conjunction with commemorative events such as:
· International Women’s Day – 8 March
· South African Human Rights Day - 21 March
· South African Women’s Day – 9 August
· Worker’s Day – 1 May
· International Human Rights Day – 10 December
This workshop will take place in the Women’s Jail at Constitution Hill on 2 July 2014 from 09h00 – 13h00.
If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please contact SAHA on 011 7182560 or info@saha.org.za by Monday 23 June 2014.