06 February 2018
People Against Corruption – An exhibition
This week between the 3rd and the 7th of February we are in the midst of the Peoples Tribunal Against Economic Crime. The tribunal is organised by citizens and civil society. SAHA collaborated with the participating organisations and curated an exhibition which showcases some of the campaigns of these organisations and their protests or work against economic crime. With this exhibition we hope to narrate a visual story of activism against corruption. The exhibition also highlights the importance of preserving the histories that form the bedrock upon which we build new social movements. Activists use community meetings, social media, research and public protest to equip themselves and our society in taking collective action.
Within the SAHA collections we have many resources from such civil society groups and organisations which stood up against the apartheid government as well as actvism from the 1990s and 2000s. The exhibition has material from the contributing organisations, such as info-graphics, publication covers, t-shirts, newspaper articles and posters created by both individuals and organisations. The exhibition also contains an interactive element where people are able to add their own stories and encounters with corruption.

The exhibition coincides with the first People’s Tribunal on Economic Crime at the Women’s Jail (3-7 February 2018). See: www.corruption.org.za. The Tribunal is convened by: the Foundation for Human Rights (FHR), Open Secrets, the Right2Know Campaign, Corruption Watch, the Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI) and the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS).

The Open Secrets Collection (AL3450) is the material donated to the archive by Open Secrets from the research conducted for Apartheid Guns and Money. This collection can be found on our website.
