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Social Movements Indaba (SMI) Platform

Theme: The WCAR, WSSD & SMI

Call Number: B4.1.1
Identifier: AL3290_B4.1.1
Title: Social Movements Indaba (SMI) Platform
Date: January 2007
Subject: Anti-Privatisation Forum - APF;
Social Movements Indaba - SMI;
World Social Forum - WSF
Description: This document was produced by the Social Movements Indaba (SMI) in 2007. Since helping form the SMI) in 2002, and subsequently becoming the main driving force behind it in succeeding years, the APF pushed hard for an internationalist outlook and approach from South African social movements. As part of this, the SMI participated actively in almost every World Social Forum (WSF) and then also the associated continental and regional off-shoots (African Social Forum and Southern Africa Social Forum). When the WSF came to the African continent – Nairobi, Kenya in 2007 – the SMI (alongside Khanya College) organised a large delegation of social movement activists to travel by bus from Johannesburg to Nairobi. Once there the SMI delegation became one of the most public, active and militant anti-capitalist voices within the WSF. This platform, which was presented to the WSF plenary, expresses the collective views and positions of the SMI on both the South African and global political economy and represents the best of the internationalist traditions of South Africa’s broad working class movements. Included in SAHA virtual exhibition - 'Transition's Child: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)'
Creator: Social Movements Indaba (SMI)
Type: Document
Format: Access copy - pdf
Preservation copy - pdf
Source: SAHA collection AL3290
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Social Movements Indaba (SMI)
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