The Freedom of Information Programme (FOIP)
The Freedom of Information Programme was dedicated to extending the boundaries of freedom of information in South Africa by:
- creating awareness of the right to information and its power as an enabling right that can be used to protect, promote and fulfil other human rights
- empowering individuals and organisations to understand and utilise the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) as a strategic advocacy tool
- increasing compliance with, and the use of, PAIA
Access to information is an essential element for a vibrant democracy. When implemented effectively, it facilitates transparency, accountability and good governance. It is an enabling right that, in principle, affords all people the opportunity to access information that can be used to protect, promote and fulfil other human rights.
Section 32(1) of South Africa's Constitution states that everyone has the right of access to any information held by public bodies and any information held by private bodies that is required for the exercise or protection of any right. PAIA is the national legislation which seeks to give effect to that constitutional entitlement.
In fact one of the original objectives of FOIP was to assist individuals to access records concerning themselves, or to assist individuals to access a deceased relative's records if they are that individual's next of kin*, from the successor agencies of the Apartheid-era Security establishment.
FOIP provided the following services:
- advice and guidance to researchers, individuals and organisations wishing to make PAIA requests using the revolutionary PAIA Request Tracker;
- comprehensive training including workshops aimed at raising awareness about the right to information and the important role that it can play in the achievement of advocacy goals and the protection of rights as well as capacity building training aimed at increasing the capacity of NGOs to utilise PAIA as a strategic advocacy tool.
In addition to the practical services that FOIP offered, FOIP conducted research which led to valuable pieces being published.
In Addition FOIP was involved in strategic litigation aimed at expanding and testing the limits of PAIA.
The programme closed in 2019. |  | FOIP Capacity Building Project Submit a PAIA request SAHA can help you to submit a request for information using PAIA. In the archives View the records that SAHA has obtained using PAIA. |  |