
AL3063 :: The Documents relating to the TRC Special Hearings on Health

Collection No: AL3063
Title: The Documents relating to the TRC Special Hearings on Health
Creator: Unknown
Origination: TRC Archive Project
Publisher: SAHA
Inclusive Dates: 1997
Extent: 0.1 linear metre (1 archival box)
Language: English
Acquisition: Accession Number: none
Access Restrictions: This collection is open for research
Use Restrictions: Copyright restrictions may apply. See SAHA copyright statement for Use Restrictions.
Copyright: Finding Aid: © The South African History Archive (SAHA)
Created: 04 September 2009
Abstract: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) convened a special hearing on the health sector on 17-18 June 1997. This hearing fell within the broad framework of the TRC of documenting past human rights violations and making recommendations for the future of human rights within health care. Subsequently, the Reparations and Rehabilitation Committee of the TRC also convened a special hearing on the mental health needs of victims and survivors of human rights abuses.
Introduction  |  Scope  |  Listing